Why do Japanese hate Chinese, and Chinese hate Malay?

A common signboard in Malaysia.

Image via Wikipedia

This is a very tricky question.

The question is “Why do Japanese hate Chinese. And here, the Chinese hate Malay. But then, Japanese never hate Malay. Is that mean Japanese and Malay hate Chinese?, or, do Chinese hate both Malay and Japanese?”. This a history lesson, a compulsory subject to pass SPM.

I’ll continue this post when I am free, ok. You think about this question and ponder around it intelligently.

3 thoughts on “Why do Japanese hate Chinese, and Chinese hate Malay?

  1. Generalization and stereotyping, keep noted that there are billions of Chinese worldwide. Only mainland Chinese and Japanese hate each other while other Chinese dominated countries support Japan i.e. Taiwan, Singapore. I personally as an overseas Chinese do love Japan since it’s an ally of U.S. and it has rich and amazing East Asian culture.

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